‎ تتلقى 214 بلاغاً عن مواد تسويقية غير قانونية

171 violations have been issued by the Egyptian Drug Authority regarding marketing and advertising materials circulating in the drug market since the beginning of the current year. 214 reports were received about non-compliant or inappropriate marketing materials, and 551 marketing materials published and circulated through pages and websites in the pharmaceutical market were examined.

Reporting any suspected non-compliant marketing materials

The Egyptian Drug Authority emphasizes to all citizens the importance of communicating with them through various available communication methods to report any suspected non-compliant marketing materials, by filling out the “Report Inappropriate Advertising Materials” form available on the official website of the authority through the following link:

Or through the hotline 15301; as the information and data in these reports are treated with complete confidentiality, as they are fully protected by the Egyptian Drug Authority.

Ensuring the delivery of accurate, reliable, up-to-date, neutral, and non-misleading information to citizens

Furthermore, the Egyptian Drug Authority continues to carry out periodic monitoring and surveillance operations, receive complaints and reports related to non-compliant marketing materials, and take regulatory measures to ensure the delivery of accurate, reliable, up-to-date, neutral, and non-misleading information to citizens in an acceptable and appropriate manner for all segments of society. The authority monitors electronic pages, receives complaints and reports related to marketing materials violations, through a team of complaint pharmacists to verify the accuracy of these violations and take corrective actions towards the publishing entities by removing the violations and obtaining approval from the Egyptian Drug Authority.

تقوم هيئة الدواء المصرية بمراقبة ومتابعة مواد التسويق والإعلان لضمان أن تكون موثوقة وصحيحة وغير مضللة للجمهور. تم استقبال 214 إبلاغ عن مواد تسويقية مخالفة وفحص 551 مادة تسويقية منشورة عبر الصفحات الإلكترونية. الجهات الناشرة للمخالفات يتم إزالتها وفقًا لموافقة هيئة الدواء المصرية، كما يمكن للمواطنين الإبلاغ عن أي مواد تسويقية مخالفة من خلال طلب “الإبلاغ عن مواد دعائية غير ملائمة” عبر الموقع الإلكتروني الرسمي أو الخط الساخن المخصص.

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